march, 2018

Event Details
Please join the Hastings Business Law Journal for our annual symposium. The symposium will feature three panels on a variety of topics related to the legal issues surrounding the
Event Details
Please join the Hastings Business Law Journal for our annual symposium. The symposium will feature three panels on a variety of topics related to the legal issues surrounding the handling of consumer data.
12pm–12:30pm: Registration
12:30pm–1:10: Lunch provided.
1:10pm–2:15pm: Panel 1 –– Data Gathering, Scraping, and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
James Chadwick, Partner, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Jamie Williams, Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Moderator: Michael Dorsi, Ad Astra Law Group
2:20pm–3:20pm: Panel 2 –– Data Privacy, the GDPR, and Encryption Backdoors
Hanley Chew, Of Counsel, Fenwick & West LLP, former Vice President, Stroz & Friedberg
Tenaya Rodewald, Associate, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Moderator: Jill Bronfman, Professor, UC Hastings
3:30pm–4:30pm: Panel 3 –– Disruptive Technology, Consumer Data, and the FTC
Jared Ho , Senior Attorney, Federal Trade Commission
Jeff Rabkin , Partner, Jones Day
Nate Cardozo , Electronic Frontier Foundation
Chris Hoofnagle, Professor, UC Berkeley
4:30pm–5pm: Reception
CLE credit application pending.
Get your tickets here:
(Thursday) 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm